Monday, 18 March 2013

League of Legends - Karma Rework Abilities Reveal

Riot released more information regarding the Karma rework in League of Legends, and this time we finally get a peak at her new ability set, and some thoughts from the developers on what is currently wrong with Karma, and how the rework will address those issues. First, the new ability kit. The new Karma kit rework isn’t live on the League of Legends PBE test server right now, but should be up for testing at some point this week. Karma’s New...

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Headhunter Nidalee Preview

Check out the brand new skin for Nidalee, available on the PBE! Headhunter Nidalee Skin Splash Art Model Prowl (Passive) Javelin Toss (Q) Bushwhack (W) Cast Animation Bushwhack (W) Primal Surge (E) Cast Animation Primal Surge (E) Aspect of the Cougar (R) Takedown (Cougar Q) Takedown (Cougar Q) Impact Pounce (Cougar W) Swipe (Cougar E) Headhunter Nidalee comes packed with...